Saturday, February 02, 2008

I just thought it was funny - Sarah Silverman on Kimmel With Damon

I didn't catch it live on Jimmy Kimmel, but a friend pointed me to it online, and I just thought it was funny. It's bleeped but beware the language and see if you LOL. Frankly I thought Matt Damon's knowing smile was great.


Charles Gramlich said...

Lol. Yes, very funny. I kind of like Matt Damon as an actor. He's pretty good.

Lana Gramlich said...

*ROFL!* That's great...Thanks for sharing!

Shauna Roberts said...

Yeah, that was funny. Thanks for posting it.

Clifford said...

lol! That was too funny!

RK Sterling said...

LOL - thanks for sharing. That was great.

Sidney said...

Glad everyone liked it. Apparently there's been a long-running Damon/Kimmel "feud" that included a night Kimmel brought him out then said "Sorry that's all the time we have."

Anonymous said...

I love the dancing, with the thrusting and air-slaps. Hysterical.

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