Questions can make for interesting challenges in fiction writing. Yeah that's great if the hero wins the throne and takes his place after the battle. But what if he didn't take the throne after he wins the right? That'd be another story...
Questions make interesting challenges for life as well. The Table of Free Voices facilitated via Dropping Knowledge sought to pose 100 important global questions.
Last night Christine pointed me to the Vicki Robin blog, and a post about a new effort to rank the important questions of our day.
Via a Survey Monkey Survey everyone is invited to vote on top questions in order to boil those down to 10 which will be discussed during Conversation Week March 24-30.
Since we live in interesting times, it seems a worthwhile way to spend a few online minutes. Just mulling the questions is a good exercise.
The link to share if you're of a mind to is
Important questions. I'd like to have seen some more scientific type questions. The nature of the world. These are mostly all social. Important but not all there is on earth to think about.
A good point, Charles. Certainly the scientific issues are important things to consider.
I filled out the survey and thought most of the questions were important (some were too vague to really be discussable), but noticed that they assumed that it would be good if we lived sustainably, if everyone could get the health care they need, if people could afford their basic needs, and if different cultures and points of views were accepted. I agree that all of those would be good, but I doubt most people agree, based on the past several Republican presidential platforms, for example, and the stands that this year's candidates have on such issues. The letters to the editor and the opinion pieces in my local paper are often hate-filled or ignorant.
I read it in I think a Harlan Ellison essay somewhere, and he was wishing he could remember the reference from whence it came but it goes like this. Someone was asked the meaning of life and he looked out the window and said : "There are a lot of a**holes out there."
I thought of that with your mention of the letters to the editors, Shauna. I know you're right but I am encouraged by some trends and of course there are a lot of good people here in the blogosphere. Maybe that's a sign of hope.
I think the only real question worth asking these days comes from "Team America; World Police"; Why is everyone so f*cking stupid? <:\
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