Wayne has announced that he will remain alert and on guard, but it is clear that resistance is futile. I have reached the point of Kevin McCarthy as Dr. Miles Bennell at the end of the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers -- you know, when he ran into traffic shouting: "You're next!" (Rent it! It's great!)
There are Sternberg minions around every corner. There are perhaps even Sternberg pods waiting to convert you while you sleep. You can't stay awake forever.
It's time to give up, accept it, and use the logo that true believers will be displaying until the great galactic mother ship returns from the Greater Magellanic Cloud.
Visit the House of Sternberg blog.
sid, i fell asleep for a few minutes here at the print shop...when the job finished, there was a pod in the main stacker...did you know that one of my unused aol screen names aka scranes is drmilesbennell? true. because in the 90s, whenever another friend got a computer, they lost contact with the real world. my first email to everyone back on oct. 15, 1997, simply read "they're pods! You're next!" and 9 years later, mr. sternberg slouches towards bethlehem, or at least kalamazoo.
But if everything you say is a Sternberg, then Sternberg is a lie. But if Sternberg is a lie then everything you say is.....zzytttt.
Logic is a tweeting Wayne, sitting on the shoulder of Willy the Sid, holding a Steve McQueen action figure. The multiverse lives!
Too tired to make witty comments, and too far removed to get all the "in" jokes, so I'll just say:
Whenever I encounter prose that's well-written and slightly off-kilter, I say, "That's so Sternbergian".
Where can I get my own cult button and laminated membership card?
Gentlemen and lady, I think I am going to have t shirts printed up and offer them for sale through the blog, payable through paypal. It's the only way I'll ever be able to afford an xbox.
And Sid, it's not through sleep that I take command..it's through the moment when you surrender your essence. Purity of Essence. I've come to understand the importance of this power. It's why I only drink rainwater. That way I avoid the flouride.
The possibilities for merchandising and conquest do seem infinite.
Fortunately I saved the file as a .psd so it can be prepared with a variety of background colors as needed.
Excellent! Sidney, can you make my button with a hypnotizing spiral swirl backdrop?
And Stewart, I hope you don't forget my proselytizing minion 50% discount.
I'll work on that, Kate. "Go play with Photoshop" is one of the things you don't have to tell me twice.
kate--there are no in-jokes between the gang here. all you need to know you can find on wikipedia---kree-skrull war, viktor von doom, multiverse (preferably DC), and most of the other comic book goofiness us old men babble about. wikipedia is the doorway for all in-jokes. you can even find out about the atomic knights--me, stewart, sid, charles, and charlize theron--in an alternate future.
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