I'm not sure why, but my tomato plants have proven to be more prolific in autumn than they were over the summer months. They were most productive just before I had to leave town for a week in July, so my co-workers enjoyed that produce.
Until things get too cold, looks like I'll be harvesting. Some of my Cherokee purples may turn soon as well.
They look delicious. I remember as a kid bringing in the tomatoes that were getting close and my mom letting them ripen in the windowsill.
They look good, indeed. What's a Cherokee purple look like? (Great name)
A Cherokee is a dark, almost purple color and has a good taste especially on a sandwich. They tend not to be really pretty so they have not been widely sold in stores in the current era. I kind of enjoy getting to help preserve the line.
Hello Sidney! How big of a garden to you have and what do you grow?
Hey Rick, I have two medium-size square box gardens set up in my back yard. I do tomatoes and bell peppers every year for sure and then a mixture of things. I had some cantaloups and cucumbers this year and I also had some cherry tomatoes and hot peppers and basil come up on their own from last year. That was a kind of nice ancillary benefit.
I planted winter greens and kale last winter and will probably do some kind of greens or lettuce. Our temps are mild enough that I have a little opportunity for overlap.
Now that my Spacious Grounds are no longer Haunted, with a Blight Upon the Land, I too have planted a veggie garden.
I want tomatoes like yours!
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