I'm not sure what my cat, Miss Daisy, is trying to tell me, but she typed a cryptic message into MS Word a little while ago:
"8999999999999999999 89999999999999999 8999999999999"
Maybe cats have some secret knowledge to impart, kind of like those looms they had in Wanted, only with more benevolent messages.
Or maybe it's something simpler.
"The laptop is warm. Go do something else. I'm sitting here."
My bet is the latter...if they had secret messages they wouldn't leave them where we could find them...
That is a really lovely photograph of Miss Daisy - just look at the love in her eyes.
I think the message is "I Love you Dad!"
I've entered that message into my code cracker and we should have our answer in about 14.2 days. My machine runs slow.
Bwah ha ha! Thanks for the laugh. ;)
My late, lamented cat Nazir used to lie on my fax machine and dial phone numbers. At least your cat isn't running up long-distance charges.
Dude, you and/or Miss Daisy are now officially tagged for the A-Z movie meme. . . . .
Hmm, that's a bit scary. :)
I think Scott Adams is onto something. He believes cats are agents from another planet, another plane, Somewhere beyond. Their mission is to endear themselves to creative types and prevent all necessary aesthetic activity!
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