Brandywine tomatoes proved to be the largest but our plants didn't produce that many. The Cherokee purples were the most interesting and the Mexican Midget cherry tomatoes the most plentiful and the tastiest. Peppers were a mixed bag also, with some hot peppers proving the most prolific. We grew enough red and orange bell peppers for a few rounds of fajitas without requiring supplements from the grocer.
It's the spirit that counts
Given the spiritual benefit, we've decided, especially since it's hot for most of the Texas autumn that we'd try a winter garden, and I use the term winter loosely.
Seeds for this round are coming from the Territorial Seed Company, another provider of heirloom seeds and more.
The Micromix
I've sunk a few radishes and otherwise mostly varieties of greens including kale and a micromix (pictured) that should sprout ready for clipping, washing and salad preparation in a couple more weeks.
I think my results in our square foot garden will remain only supplemental to our diet, though we're hopeful to sprout enough kale for a soup Christine wants to make soon, and it all may save the cost of a few bags of Dole romaine mixes.
It continues to feel good to get back to the land.
Wow. I had just picked up a book called "Night Brothers" yesterday. Returning from my vacation, I had decided to look up the book on the web for fun. Little did I know the author was writing a blog! Wow, haha.
I'm liking it. Navarra is evil, yet likeable, and 'poor Mrs. Johnson'. Never heard of Danya as a name before. Works though, and it's unique, so props to you! Great writing!
Good luck Sid, happy days,
-Body Boy
Thanks Josh, you have an interesting blog.
Hey Cool, Josh. I'm glad to see you discovered Sid's work. "When Darkness Falls" and "Blood Hunter" are two more excellent works by him.
Sid, you're making me consider planting something of a garden. I just have to keep telling myself to resist, resist, resist.
How cool is that, Sid - a successful garden and a new fan in one blog. ;) Congrats on both.
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