It proved to be a wonderful time to be on their grounds, 1,300 acres of green pastures, forests and fields all making a home for animals rescued from canned hunt venues, zoos, circuses and now the slaughter house.
I saw Friendly again, one of the original burros rescued from the Grand Canyon in the '70s.
I also got to see two of the newest residents at the ranch, horses Mariah and her daughter Sahara, who came to the grounds last week.
They are being called "Miracle Horses" because they were actually in the last open U.S. horse slaughter house in DeKalb, IL, when a court decision effectively ended horse slaughter in the U.S. at least until someone finds another loophole.
Mariah and Sahara and a few other horses wound up routed to sanctuaries like Black Beauty.

They're currently in Black Beauty's infirmary, a bit thin and rattled from being transported back and forth on trucks, but they will have a permanent home on the grounds.
I believe it was Sahara who came over to the fence as our group passed by, stretching her neck a bit to reach some weeds that were a tad greener than those inside the pen.
Sometimes, the grass really is greener.
Donate to Black Beauty Ranch
Certainly a worthwhile trip and worthwhile charity. Is this the ranch too, that takes in animals who were once in TV and movies? I think that might be a different place in California. Right now at our place we are taking on the responsibilities of feeding many squirrels, birds, possums, raccoons and a variety of other creatures. Thre are 3 squirrels in my yard as I write.
They may have a few ex-film animals because they've been brought in from all over. There are a couple of camels and one of those may have been in movies. I'm just not sure.
One of the camels, Omar, has become a friend to Babe, the elephant. Elephants need companionship apparently, so that cross-species friendship has been a positive.
Some of the funds other locations probably do get ex-movie animals.
It's definitely nice to see the good they do there.
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