Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Younger Than That Now

Roland Man sent me the link to this video, and Christopher Mills--who's in it too--posted it on his blog as well, but in case you haven't seen it, check it out. It's from Coast Con in Biloxi back in the day.

CoastCon was a busy spot for Southern fandom, and dropping in was always a blast.

I'm interviewed at about 4:02 or so, and they did a great shot of my book Blood Hunter.

I can remember the guys setting up the shot and doing the interview, but I'd never seen it until yesterday. It aired after I left town. I think I still look about the same, right?


Steve Malley said...

I've committed considerable time and resources to eliminating all evidence of my prior existence (those old Victorian-era silver-nitrate photos alone cost a small fortune, let alone that Renaissance drawing!), but you've just put yours right out there!

Good on ya, bud. :-D

Charles Gramlich said...

Yeah, you look just the same, man. Just the same.

RK Sterling said...

LOVED that. :) You haven't changed a bit.

Lana Gramlich said...

Unfortunately my computer + internet abhors video. It'd take me forever to download that. However, I'll go along & say you're as handsome as ever.

Erik Donald France said...

That is SO cool, man! That must bring you back, wow'

Time is so fleeting -- '91 seems like yesterday, yet students born then are now in college or over in Afghanistan. *That* is one reality check.

Love the videe.

AvDB said...

Lookit you! I recognized you immediately, so you must not have changed all that much.

I was in a coma until I was twenty-eight. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Erik Donald France said...

Doh -- Bob Dylan~

generalpervaizmusharraf said...

To my mind everybody have to glance at it.

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