Friday, July 03, 2009

Checking In

My writing energy has been focused on the MFA novel/thesis of late, hence the dearth of blog posts.

Sometimes there are just so many words in the fingertips, and writing with the help and attention of mentors makes for a different experience than working alone under contract or not.

I'm mainly endeavoring to weave in a significant character thread that's come up as part of the crafting of the work, while moving forward as well. I probably have another 30,000 words of new material or so to finalize the first draft. Piece of cake, right?

Just means staying focused on writing and away from anything other than 140 Tweets to expel random bits of material in my brain that don't really go anywhere else.

The benefit of the revise and move forward method at the same time should mean the manuscript should wrap up around the time that it needs to, if all goes well, knock wood.

Happy Fourth Everyone. Stay tuned to the Tweet column at right for the random expulsions of thought plus the occasional interpretations of what my cats are thinking.


Charles Gramlich said...

sounds like a challenge. I'm about 30,000 into my current novel and figure that's a bit over a third done. No serious subplots but there are some minor ones.

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Tell me something..what would you say has been the most significant shift in paradigm you've made as a writer as a result of the Masters of Fine Arts? I'm interested...I think I'll ask some other writers I know who have gone that route the same question. It would make an interesting essay.

laughingwolf said...

keep on keeping on, sidney... and grats on getting to this stage :)

Sidney said...

Thanks guys. Stewart, I will think about it. It's an almost subtle shift in perception, I think, that would be beneficial to genre or mainstream writing. I haven't forgotten about addressing magical realism more, just have been strapped for time.

Erik Donald France said...

Good luck, man!

Fascinating distinction -- mentors vs. deadlines without them.

Steve Malley said...

I hear I should learn the Tweeters. My hat is off to you, sir! :)

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