Sunday, December 31, 2006
Seven and Three are Oh My God!
And when that book came out it seemed like the end of the 20th century was a loooong way off.
Weren't we just sweating out Y2K and all that?
And looking forward to new Star Wars Films?
And recounting votes in Florida?
Man, after we turn the calendar page tonight, we'll be three years from the end of the first decade of this century.
My head's swimming, and I haven't had a new year's drink yet.
Need some cowbell!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Memes to Me - "Please, stop the monkeys!"
I didn't realize one of my favorite obscure movie lines is pretty much a meme.
"Stop the monkeys!" is one of those cool phrases that seems to fit any situation where you want to cry out against the insanity.
Five projects get turned in at once, all with the same deadline?
"Stop the monkeys."
Bad things happen one after another?
"Please, stop the monkeys!"
Someone says "All your base belongs to us" again.
"Stop the monkeys."
They remake Superman The Movie and call it a new movie: Superman Returns!
"Stop the monkeys! Stop the monkeys."
Despite its multiplicity of uses, I didn't realize it was in as wide a use as "Needs more cowbell," but that would seem to be the case. It says so on Wikipedia, at least, in the entry on the TV movie from which it's taken. I discovered that fact the other day in my relentless quest to gain knowledge and reduce boredom.
The movie, which yeah, I saw as a kid and remember, would be Hunter starring the late character actor John Vernon as a brainwashed race car driver who's driven mad by the suggestion that he's being assailed by flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz.
So of course he says: "Please, stop the monkeys!"
I always found the flying monkeys roughly as terrifying as the Gargoyles from another CBS-TV Movie, so if I were being assailed by real or imaginary flying monkeys I'd want them to stop.
As we face the new year, it's always good to have a goal. Mine will be to help further perpetuate the use of phrase "Stop the monkeys" in 2007.
If you have a blog, please apply when appropriate, and by all means use it as a minced oath in polite company.
It's a little softer than some other John Vernon lines, such as the also frequently apopos but less socially acceptable: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining," from The Outlaw Josey Wales.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Total Immersion
It's a first line I've modified a bit based on suggestions here, by the way.
Referring to Dean Koontz on writing again, in one of his writing texts he's adamant about devoting uninterrupted hours to writing. Find time on a weekend if not during the week, he urges, to spend uninterrupted stretches with your fiction.
Other than having cats jump on my laptop I've done that the last few days, and it kind of reminded me how effective immersion in the world of your fiction can be.
The four walls of the setting become real, the characters literally start to breathe and truly you're in a different place within yourself or your thoughts.
As a reporter I covered someone discussing painting from the left side of the brain or the right, I forget which one's which in the creative vs. pragmatic scenario. She talked about getting to that place.
I know scientifically the left-right brain notion isn't proven, but I do find something does happen in the creative process where everything really kicks in.
I may have mentioned in this blog before how much I came to live in the small town that is the setting of my novel When Darkness Falls. I knew the streets, the shadows, the shops and what it was like to drive through town on a foggy evening.
When the book was finished I hated to leave.
It's to reach that point in a new piece of writing. It's not magic, but it feels that way.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Keeping off my feet with Pirates of the Caribbean

For me, it's not so bad being immobile. Yesterday I devoted a good deal of time to re-watching the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Some of my online friends have been discussing plotting lately. The admirable job done on those films becomes apparent when they're watched in proximity, negative reviews aside.
They're fun, fast-paced films, visually stunning, but there are many nuances I didn't really expect to find in summer blockbusters where lowest-common-denominator usually goes.
A lot of the subtle material was probably lost on kids in the multiplexes, but it sure makes the DVDs worth owning.
Of course I got "Dead Man's Chest" from Netflix and taped "Curse of the Black Pearl" off ABC for my mini-marathon but when the three-pack including the final film comes out I'm there, dude.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
What I Got for Christmas
It's for the best. If I got one I'd have to buy e-books for it.
I did get an iPod AV cable because I never could make the trick with a camcorder AV cable work--you're supposed to be able to cross the yellow, red and white connectors but I always got a scrambled mess.
Cheap but thrilling - now I can watch the Aquaman pilot on my living room TV.
Apparently I will be reading Hannibal Rising, too. It was on a list of potential gift books I gave Christine a while back.
I was a little more excited by The Shadow of Frankenstein, a paperback, part of a new series of Universal film tie-ins. It pits Henry Frankenstein-told you it was based on the movies--against Jack the Ripper.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
What Christine is Getting for Christmas - Wodehouse
That means she'll know they're books, that they're Wodehouse books, but not which titles. I don't even know that without checking the order form now that they're wrapped.
I bought enough to keep her in Wodehouse reading much of the year since they're hard to come by at bookstore or library, despite their popularity.
Getting around to Wodehouse
They're filled with clever language, humor and plots that are complex enough to satisfy mystery readers though they're concerned more with manners than mayhem. If you haven't heard, they feature, mostly, the misadventures of British playboy Bertie Wooster, the narrator, and his manservant Jeeves, prototype for the American popular conception of butlers and footmen, though no longer the servant on :-(
We'd always meant to get around to Wodehouse. Years ago, probably when they were new, we used to see listings for the British series video in the Signals catalog, long a source of sweatshirts and tees in our house.
Hugh Laurie played Bertie on British TV and since Christine is a House, M.D. fan that prompted us to locate the titles on Netflix.
And the books followed, prompting her to not only read some but to read them out loud to me. (A favorite line invovles Bertie musing that a grouchy Scottish pooch wandered off "muttering something in Gaelic under his breath.")
I never have to read anything Christine is interested in. She either reads it to me or summarizes so completely I can save the time of sitting down with the actual prose. She summed up a recent New York Times profile of Kristin Chenoweth so completely I didn't have to read it or watch any more episodes of Studio 60, thinly-veiled Kristin Chenoweth biography.
This time next year
This time next year I'll be able to act versed in the works of Wodehouse. I'll be able to rattle off oneliners.
I predict the Wodehouse investment is a good choice of stocking stuffer.
Why am I bothering to tell everyone all this? Well maybe it will help with last-minute giving for some who can find Wodehouse in stores.
And I have to stay off my left foot. Monty--aka the king, the senior household tomcat, butler of our cats you might say-- got into the back yard yesterday and regular readers of this blog will know that usually means I get hurt. (He sniffed in a flowerbed then headed for the woods which connect to a busy roadway. I hopped off a retaining wall to head him off and, well I have to stay off my left foot.)
I could use a Jeeves.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Christmas Reading

I enjoy various versions from Patrick Stewart's one-man show to Jack Palance's Western interpretation in Ebenezer, but variety is nice as well.
I have some new-to-me items handy for downtime this weekend, when we're not cooking or shopping. I hope we don't have to do much of the latter.
The Twelve Frights of Christmas is an old anthology edited by Isaac Asimov with titles from H.G. Wells and Robert Bloch among others. I'm looking forward to a few holiday chills from that. I've had it a while, guess you could say I've been saving it.
Doctor Who
I also have a holiday-themed Doctor Who audio title from Big Finish, at least I think it is set at Christmas time. Should be a nice listen anyway. It's called The Chimes of Midnight and drops the eighth doctor, the one from the U.S. TV movie, into a British mansion in 1906 where he's faced with a mystery or two to solve. (And of course Doctor Who The Christmas Invasion re-airs Christmas Day on Sci Fi. If you're in the UK of course you get an all new Who special.)
Hopefully I'll enjoy the book and CD I've chosen as much as some of my previous holiday reads such as A Carol in the Dark, a really nice mystery from longtime editor Cathleen Jordan and The Christmas Crimes at Puzzle Manor from Simon Brett.
The Brett novel is an excellent holiday read about murders and puzzles at a snow-bound mansion. There are real puzzles you can solve built in.
Here's hoping everyone has some great holiday fun.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
First Lines
I'm toying with a story based on an actual experience I had in Dublin . As I walked through a blustery afternoon storm, and old man came toward me, chuckling strangely and looking at me knowingly as if he held some secret. That's about the extent of the real experience so I have quite a bit to make up.
Not sure if the story is going anywhere but I'm toying with an outline and an opening page at least and here's how it starts:
"The old man in the snap-brim cap walked out of the wind, his arms dangling, useless and limp as he angled across the sidewalk on a collision course with Desiree."
Desiree won't be the main character's name. That's a place holder for the moment. Guess we'll see where this goes
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Download worthy

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Meanwhile under the tree

Daisy, aka the good cat, immediately began to poke around them as if to say: "I'm looking to see if there's one with my name on it." At least that's the quote Christine attributed to her and she's usually pretty good at interpreting her thoughts.
Failing to find "Miss Daisy" on any "To" cards, our queen took up residence atop a present we believe to be a new tea kettle from Christine's mom.
If Christine were on Heroes, her super power would be the ability to ascertain a gift package's contents long before Christmas Day. And to interpret the thoughts of a slightly bossy female cat.
I'm not sure why Daisy is so interested in a tea kettle, but it seems to be where we'll find her from now until Christmas Day. It had a really nice bow, too.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Another tune on my Christmas playlist

That took me back. The tune was already firmly a part of pop culture when I was kid, and the LP was one my dad always put on the stack. We had a Packard Bell stereo--the kind where the speakers were built into the cabinet that housed the turntable.
Shuffle play was achieved by placing a stack of vinyl albums on the turntable. When one finished another dropped down.
I snagged the cover art from the web, but the pic is of the album we had. It wore out long ago, probably from being stacked under other albums as they spun.
I don't know how old it was when I came along but I was dazzled by the pic of Rudolph when I was very small, and the images the song evoked were always a part of early sixties Christmases.
I always sat in our den in Louisiana and imagined a foggy North Pole Christmas Eve and the days leading up to Christmas were always the best days.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Veronica Mars on iTunes
I've long wondered considering its key demographic, why Veronica Mars wasn't on iTunes. At last it is and it's download worthy for sure.
For some reason my dish provider doesn't include The CW, nee the WB and UPN, in the local channels. I watched the final half of season one on DVD then Season 2 completely on DVD.
Looks like I won't have to wait that long for Veronica’s freshman year at
No, I ain't in Veronica's target market per se, but I am a private eye fan and Veronica Mars is one of the best private eye shows since
How Veronica Mars is like Bullwinkle
Bullwinkle used to include asides and jokes for the folks that kids wouldn't get. Veronica and her pals are some of the most pop-culturally literate kids ever. Moreso than a lot of twentysomethings I know. No way would they know some of the song and movie references Veronica and her pals drop periodically. But they make for great dialog.
How Veronica Mars is like Agatha Christie
OK, every episode is not as clever as Dame Agatha's, but there are occasions when VM solves some capsule mysteries for her friends that are clue-laden and clever.
I haven't made it through the first mini-arc of season 3 on my iPod, but so far it's still intriguing if unfortunate that the long mysteries had to be abandoned in an attempt to build ratings.
Sadly as one of the best of the best on TV these days, Veronica may be one of the shows that asks too much of a commitment. I predict it will someday prosper in reruns and perhaps online though it may not be an Aquaman.
Download one episode and see if you can stop there!
Friday, December 15, 2006
My Christmas Playlist

One of my personal traditions is my Christmas playlist, which I wrote about here last year. I'm getting old. I repeat myself.
I started it back in 2000 when I was immersed in a big project at work. Having holiday tunes playing in my office kept things from getting gloomy.
Always a part of my Christmas playlist is John Altenburgh's Christmas at Buzz's Restaurant, which is now available on iTunes. I don't think it was last Christmas. The iTunes summary is accurate. It features Jazzy versions of many traditional songs as well as some fun originals.
The title track is a warm, sentimental perennial for me at Christmas. I don't know if there ever was a Buzz's in Keelerville, WI, but the lyrics evoke a feeling of nostalgia for Christmas pasts that seems real and connects me with my own long ago memories.
Here's my complete playlist for this year, assembled from my album collection, free downloads and digital purchases:
1. Silent Night - John Altenburgh - Christmas at Buzz's Restaurant
2. Nollaig Na Mban - Cormac Breatnach - Celtic Christmas
3. 7 O'Clock News/Silent Night - Simon and Garfunkle - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
4. Christmas Time Is Here - Vince Guaraldi - A Charlie Brown Christmas
5. Christmas at Buzz's Restaurant - John Altenburgh - Christmas at Buzz's Restaurant
6. In the Bleak Midwinter - Allison Crowe - Tidings
7. Better Days - The Goo Goo Dolls
8. King Holly, King Oak - Johnny Cunningham - Celtic Christmas
9. Jingle Bells - Diana Krall & The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra - Christmas Songs
10. Jingle Bells - James Taylor - James Taylor at Christmas (It was free last week and this version and the Diana Crall version offer wildly different interpretations of the tune.)
11. Christmas Story - John Altenburgh - Christmas at Buzz's Restaurant
12. All I Want for Christmas is You (So So Def Remix) Mariah Carey featuring JD & Lil' Bow Wow - All I Want for Christmas (You gotta mix things up)
13. Little Drummer Boy - Johnny Cash - The Christmas Album
14. Snow On High Ground - Nightnoise - Celtic Christmas
15. Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy- Bing Crosby & David Bowie - Bing Crosby - Christmas Classics (I know, I know, !?. It's from, I believe Crosby's last Christmas TV special, sentimental for me because I remember watching with my family back in the day. The 4 minute version includes the lead-in.)
If you have Christmas favorites, please share.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Cool Quote For Bloggers and Writers
"It takes courage to look inside yourself, and even more courage to write it for others to see." - Capt. Benjamin Sisko
It's found in a Star Trek/Myers Briggs assessment.
The Value of the Blog
Charles Gramlich and Stewart Sternberg have been discussing that with degrees of levity mingled with serious contemplation.
Let me weigh in with a yes. I don't know if anyone's bought a copy of my War of the Worlds, or listened to a free sample due to the link at the right, hint hint. Or if it's driven anyone to dig up some of my older stuff, but blogging's kind of an Emily Dickinson thing.
I think I'd write here even if there weren't eight or nine people reading it every day.
It's a little less disciplined, but this is pretty much what I used to do when I was a newspaper reporter.
I mean generally I talked to people all day and wrote what they told me. I had to, you know, be concerned more with facts than opinion, I guess. Though I did write a column for a while that was sort of like a blog. It was just once a week or so and a few more people scratched their heads as I mulled over things like Procol Harum lyrics. (Wayne Sallee's posting about six degrees of separation. I think Karl Edward Wagner once wrote a story called "At First Just Ghostly" taking a line from "A Whiter Shade of Pale." Maybe that's serendipity and not six-degrees, though it's one degree removed from yesterday's post, keep scrolling.)
Getting the junk out
An account rep for an ad agency we work with on my day job once said some of their creatives had to "get the junk out" of their heads before the really good stuff came. Stream of consciousness blogging certainly allows that. It's as free form as it gets, and I think serves a purpose similar to "morning pages" advocated in The Artist's Way. Before blogs, journals for writers were a must.
A sense of community
Beyond the rambling, blogging also allows a coast-to-coast sense of community and communication.
If I had to connect dots on a map to the friends old and new I'm now in regular Web 2.0- communication with, it would zig from the South to the West Coast to the Midwest with a long though occasional zag over to the
"Wow, I thought he'd never shut up."
In conclusion, I think there's value in blogging, just in doing it. 'Cause someone said writing equals ass in chair. It doesn't have to be a means to an end other than that, no, uh pun intended, though I'm thinking Stewart's new "Weird Addiction" writing challenge could get me started on a pretty good short story.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Times it will always be

I keep thinking about that passage as I contemplate a favorite story I need to re-read, Sticks, by Karl Edward Wagner. Wayne Sallee, who was close to Karl, has written eloquently about him in a couple of posts, including this one.
Wayne's notes and going through my books, still for Library Thing, thumbing my paperbacks of In A Lonely Place and Why Not You and I, have me thinking about the days I went to a lot of conventions. Karl Edward Wagner always seemed to be there, everywhere, and doing something crazy.
I remember him coming into a panel room once and grabbing a table cloth to throw it around his shoulders or opening a panel discussion on monsters by affecting an instructor's monotone and saying: "We are here today to discuss the care an maintenance of the CXL small engine..."
I remember him acting like a professional wrestler and trading insults, boasts and challenges with Charles L. Grant
In my mind, that's a time it will always be. A floating universe somewhere, where time hasn't moved along so rapidly.
I read "Sticks" first in that big collection of horror stories edited by David G. Hartwell. It's collected in In a Lonely Place, which I bought along with a couple of the Kull books right after KEW died, selfishly worrying they would quickly become hard to find.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Favorite Short Stories: Charles Beaumont - The Howling Man

It's included in Charles Beaumont: Selected Stories from Dark Harvest, and was adapted into one of the most kick-ass episodes of The Twilight Zone ever.
If you've never seen it, wait up for it on Sci-Fi Channel the next time it airs! Seriously.
Originally published in 1959 in Rogue, which can be found on ebay listed as a "vintage men's magazine," it's a study of evil.
On a walking tour of Europe, the tale's protagonist encounters a group of monks who have the devil imprisoned, of course he's in his "angel of light" guise to the hero.
From outward appearances it seems they monks are a little off and the poor guy they have trapped is the victim of mistaken identity who won't shut the hell up! Hence the howling man nickname.
I finally got to see the TZ episode on WGN in the '80s and I've watched a few more times on Sci Fi re-airings. It's a wonderful black and white rendering with plays of light and lightning, skewed camera angles and SPFX as well.
The story is rich and symbolic, faithfully interpreted for TV but it should be read as well. If you've loved Beaumont, leave me comments.
If not get to a bookstore, mail order house or library. Now, do it. Don't just sit there.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
What's On the iPod? - Lady Frankenstein

I think showtimes were earlier on the west screen because it had the sun at its back.
Maybe it was the other way around and there was some advantage at the East screen. That part's fuzzy.
In the bleak early '70s
In the early '70s, the twin Showtowns presented second run flicks like True Grit often paired with new releases such as A Gunfight with Johnny Cash, but it was also the venue for the usual Southern drive-in fodder that was still floating around.
Newspaper ads trumpted footage of real births or vampire double-features so horrifying some guy who saw them had to be institutionalized.
We also got TV ads for all that stuff while we watched I Dream of Jeannie re-runs in the afternoons. Did they think 10 year olds were going to the drive-in? And people worry about toy ads.
Portrait of a Lady
I can remember among those spots was Lady Frankenstein's ad campaign - really, I can -- slightly sinister, slightly sexy and slightly scary with her big, folically-challenged creation lumbering across the screen. Can't remember exactly what the announcer said but it was something to the effect of "She had the stones to create a monster!" I guess that's kinda in keeping with the films intended feminist take on the Frank story.
Never got to go see any of those darker flicks in those days. My dad liked Westerns, don't you know? But the promos were always good for my Famous Monsters of Filmland-driven imagination, perhaps more exciting than some of the films themselves.
Better 35 years late than never
Nonethless, I was excited to discover via Mondo Schlocko that Lady Frankenstein with Rosalba Neri, aka Sara Bey, is in the public domain and available at
If we can believe Wikipedia ;-), it's often compared to the Hammer Films Frankenstein cycle though lensed in
Back in the day I thought it was one of those becausee it had that costume-drama style. Also it stars Joseph Cotten who has a vaguely Hammer Films air about him. I didn't know who he was then but he looked vaguely like Peter Cushing.
I got the download MP4 of LF on my iPod now. I'll probably squeeze it in this weekend if I have to stand in many lines while Christmas shopping.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Books I need to get around to - Spindrift

One I've had on a "read-soon" stack for a while is Spindrift: Spray from a Psychic Sea. I picked it up at one used book store or another a while back, though I'm not sure when.
It looked like an Exorcist-era horror novel but it's actually labled non-fiction, the story of Broadway actress Jan Bartell and her experiences with a Greenwich Village townhouse where strange sounds and shadows turned into a belief of a "diabolical Possession."
If Wikipedia is to be believed ;-) Ms. Bartell was possibly clinically depressed, but I'm intrigued by delving into her account. It sounds a little like a real-life version of Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
OK We're doing a poll

I've set his suggestions up as a poll at left. It's informal and non-scientific, but which would you most like to take?
If you vote, maybe Stewart will send you a picture of a radish. (He has a post about strange pictures he used to send in e-mails.)
Maybe a future poll could be a fill-in-the-blank variety.
What is the strangest thing you actually received in the mail in a letter from Chicago writer and moving-target blogger Wayne Allen Sallee? (Pictured at left is Wayne as his fictional character:The American Dream.)
If you received snail mail from Wayne at any time in the '80s or '90s, you know what I'm talkin' about.
If not, well let's just say Wayne used to pack interesting things into his envelopes.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Doin' the Library Thing
My buddy sent me a link to Library Thing and it's been keeping me busy. It also confirms what I have known for a while. If it's possible to own too many books, I do.*
Library Thing is like MySpace for book lovers with a little extra. It allows you to create a catalog of your books online.
I have seen the Library Thing User and He is Us - Sorry, Pogo
With cross links in your profile area, it also lets you see there are other people out there just like you.
Frighteningly just like you if you read the profiles. I think there's a guy that is me. He's the same age, grew up reading Famous Monsters of Filmland and has a lot of the same books as me. We probably have more books in common than is currently apparent because I'm not finished adding mine yet.
I've added a lot though, it's addictive. You can search by title, author, ISBN number or a few other ways. It relies mostly only Amazon but it has other sources to draw on as well. It can usually pinpoint the exact edition of the book you own, though sometimes there are a few flaws.
It usually finds cover art, though in my obsession I get a little frustrated if the picture doesn't match my edition. I find myself envious of people who have managed to display cover art of the same editions I have when mine displays only the simulated wood grain that is the default image if no cover art is available. Ahhhhh!
An aside
Note to Library Thing Creators: Fabulous job but if there's a feature to add your own cover art scans, I don't see it. And I would use it. I know there's probably medication.
Another cool thing is that the creators really seem to have their act together. While I was looking around on the site yesterday they apparently got Slashdotted, which may be better than being digged, I'm not sure. I think that is the right past tense of "digging" a site but I'm not sure. Maybe I should check the urban dictionary on that.
Real time communication
Anyway, they were overwhelmed and real time messages were appearing - "We've been Slashdotted, bear with us." Ah, the new words the web coins for us.
Guess there's a little sense of Big Brother going on there. The, uh one from Orwell or the Mac commercial, not the CBS TV Show, I guess.
Here's what's happening with that, though. The people who built this thing are obsessive book lovers too, and they're just watching to see if you added a book they want to read. Talk to you later, I'm going to IM the me from the parallel universe to see if he wants to do a "need it, need it, got it" book trade. View my online catalog here.
Duh! There is a way to fix covers. Just had to read the FAQ. I think they officially thought of everything.
(*I'm not sure it is possible to own too many books - please reference the Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough At Last." If Burgess Meredith did not break his glasses he would then have just enough books. If something happens like in Stephen King's The Stand and I am one of few survivors, then I will need these books. Dish Network will probably stop working.)
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Shock Waves

I don't know that it contains his best tales for there are many including a number of stories that became Twilight Zones.
But it's a book that got me through a whole lot o' boredom once, so I hold it in high regard.
It was near Christmas one day in the '90s and I was called for jury duty. I'd bought the Matheson book used fairly recently so I tucked in my jacket when I left home that morning.
And while I sat through the preliminary selection process and voir dire, I read Matheson stories - "A Visit to Santa Claus," "Finger Prints" and a host of others.
One that I remember vividly still is "A Drink of Water." It's not a horror story exactly, but it at least is a tale of desperation.
It's about a guy who's been to a movie one hot August night, had some popcorn and upon arriving home decides he needs a drink of water since the popcorn was salty.
Sounds simple, but when he reaches his apartment he finds the water's been shut off due to one problem or another.
He's got no water in the fridge, and every avenue he pursues fails him for the next six or seven pages. I was right along with him in that tale, desperate in my own way, trapped in one of those processes from which there's no escape.
You just have to endure and hope you come out the other side.
A good book full of cool stories can make the trip more bearable.
Did the story's hero ever get a drink? Well, I suggest you look up Shock Lines. It's well worth a read.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Burning Bridges
I never attended there, but we lived within walking distance when I was a kid. We used to stroll there in the late afternoons. I once found a discarded Hardy Boys novel on the campus and I think I still have it.
I went to a lot of functions with her also. She took me to a play called The Guy From Venus that was put on by the drama department in the '60s. Later I would see the guy who played the alien drive past our house on his way to classes every morning, and it was like seeing a celebrity.
Most of her time was spent in a free-standing home economics building, but faculty meetings and other matters took her to the main building frequently.
One more marker that time marches on.